Learning to Crawl!

Learning to Crawl

We have been here only two weeks and it seems we have accomplished quite a bit on our to-do lists. It was necessary to register Loree with the local police, as she is a foreigner, but can stay here indefinitely as long as I am here. As a married couple she has all the rights to Italian services. Surprisingly this was accomplished in 20 minutes provided that I correctly filled out the forms. I have reviewed now so many pages of forms and contracts in Italian, that I may consider entering law school.

Readers of our last blog will note that our apartment while spanking new did not have working fridge, hot water, or workable sink faucet. I am happy to report that of all this has been corrected…. sort-of.  I have learned hell hath no fury like a wife without a hot shower! Having patiently waited for our landlord to correct the water issues I decided it was time to take some manly action. “Buongiorno Sr. Godi, mia moglie è arrabbiata con me! Quando possiamo aspettarci l’aqcua calda?” Telling him my wife is angry with me regarding the lack of hot water was enough to send the architect, electrician and technician in the same afternoon. Apparently, when wives and mothers are in peril in Italy, immediate action is taken! Note to self, play the angry signora card when all else fails.

We have been enjoying ourselves locally. Our good friend Liza Dolza, born in Michigan, but living here nearby for nearly 25 years has been the angel on our shoulder. Liza runs cycling tours here in Bassano Del Grappa through her business: “Cycling Made in Italy” http://cyclingmadeinitaly.com/biking_vacations/Who_what.html
 If you want credentials; she rode the Giro d’Italia femminile.

She came to our house with an extra portable WIFI that literally fits in your pocket and is usable in many places throughout Italy for 9 Euros a month. Why have I never seen this device promoted in the States? Along with the device she loaned us two city bikes, gave us some of her lettuce from her garden and a basket of handpicked cherries from a farm in Marostica (I will never settle for cherries anywhere else on the planet). We picked up the bikes in Campolungo Sul Brenta, a very small town just north of Bassano. Loree, a self-proclaimed killer stationary bike rider who states she can kick my ass in spin class, was initially terrified to ride a bike on the road, which she hasn't done since we were dating. She gave it her all as we rode back to Bassano. As a former Elmhurst Masters Cyclist, I was beaming with pride as my bride rode the exact same rode as the recent Giro D’Italia albeit downhill mostly.

We are starting to be perceived as locals now as we frequent the same cafes and gastronamie, the latter of which Mara, the proprietor greets us with a smile and always has a prepared take-away dish for Loree senza lattacine!  That’s correct, my wife is lactose intolerant in a country known for its dishes made with cheese! However, there is a huge vegetarian movement throughout Italy, where the strictest followers only eat vegetables and fruit so it is not unusual to find pre-prepared dishes of this nature.

We recently tested the local Chinese restaurant expecting mediocrity and finding it so good we returned the following evening. It is the only sit-down Chinese restaurant anywhere in walking distance so we were thrilled! Oddly enough or not, Japanese sushi has caught on in this area and the Japanese restaurants are plentiful here in the surrounding area.

We seem to find something new and enchanting around every corner in this ancient city.  Just yesterday we walked along the Brenta River path with cousins Ruggero and Franca, in which the short route takes you 12 kilometers. For those Americans  still employing the King Henry I measuring system it was 7.2 miles, not including the 1.5 mile walk to and from the starting point.  Normally we would be somewhat proud of ourselves for all the hiking we did that day and do daily except for the fact that we regularly see 80-90 year old “Nonne” riding bikes up streets most goats would shudder at. We returned after our walk somewhat tired and Loree ready for a shower when once again the “’acqua calda non funzionale.”


  1. Love the blogs, my friends!
    May you soon enjoy strong, hot, fresh, clean water showers (one of my favorite things).

  2. Also want to ask, how amazingly brave is young Loree, by your side in these life changing adventures?!
    You two share a beautiful relationship.


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